Pre-first step: Always make sure your SE Tools are up-to-date from this link: SE Tools
This tutorial goes over properly importing an animation for the Call of Duty series in Maya.
NOTE: Please take your time while following the steps, you’ll likely encounter an error otherwise
First, setup your scene with the model you’d like to animate, if you’re doing a weapon animation you must have the viewhands
, viewmodel
, and in some games the clipmodel
which should be aligned up to your best ability on the gun and also a child of tag_weapon / j_gun
. (These must already have the skin binded using _BIND.mel or using SEModels which are already setup)
NOTE: If you are opening the file, it is best to use File->Open to avoid namespaces as you may encounter issues importing that way.
Next follow these instructions in-order:
SE Tools->Game Specific Tools->Call of Duty->Attach Weapon to Rig
SE Tools->Clean Namespaces
then attempt to attach the weapon again. If unsuccessful, continue to step D for manual binding.base weapon tag
and base hand tag
and 0 out the properties, see the screenshots for more information, (BEFORE): {F2453} (AFTER): {F2455}SE Tools->Import SEAnim
, select the .seanim file and it will be imported into Maya.