Setting up in Radiant
Download the prefabs and extract to root/map_source (PREFABS).
Place the new power switch prefab (delete any old one you might have).
Select your sun_volume. You’ll see there are 4 sets of light state KVPs. You probably only have one set up. Set at least the first 2 up (use the same SSI if you don’t want the game lighting to change).
Setting up in script
Open your mapname gsc and find the function zm_usermap::main();
Inside it put it put this:
// Power Lights
thread power_lights();
At the end of your script add this:
function power_lights()
level flag::wait_till( "power_on" );
level util::set_lighting_state( 0 );
level flag::wait_till( "power_off" );
level util::set_lighting_state( 1 );
Then recompile and test your map.